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Message from CEO

Sprouting from Shinshu University in 2020, A-SEEDS has flourished as a pioneering biotech company

driven by our unwavering commitment to swiftly and effectively address the needs of patients

through genetically-engineered immune cell therapy.


As pediatricians, we have witnessed our young patients as they bravely confront the challenges of

pediatric and young adult cancer. These interactions have deeply influenced our perspective

as pediatric oncologists and ignited a continuous reflection on our mission in treating pediatric cancer.


At the heart of our purpose lies the primary mission of "Intact survival for the future life."

Guided by this mission, we are committed to implementing the most advanced existing cancer treatments, aiming to cure children and empower them to thrive in their future endeavors.

Nevertheless, we cannot ignore the countless children worldwide who still face poor prognoses

despite the progress made in cutting-edge treatments.


Therefore, we have embraced another mission: "seeking novel therapies for a better prognosis."

Our focus is to enhance the outlook for pediatric and young adult cancer

by actively engaging in research and development of innovative drug treatments for these conditions.


The concept of CAR-T cell therapy has already shown remarkable advancements in the treatment of

certain hematological malignancies, helping patients who were unresponsive to conventional therapies.

While the current application of this technology is primarily limited to certain hematological malignancies,

rapid advancements in research and development are expanding its potential for use in solid tumors.

However, further enhancements are necessary to achieve superior treatment outcomes.


A-SEEDS aims to translate our cutting-edge technology,

piggyBac transposon-mediated CAR-T cell therapy, into a clinic.

Our goal is to provide the most effective treatment options to cancer patients with limited choices.


A key advantage we possess stems from our close collaboration

between academia and the biotech industry.

As a university-based biotech company with extensive experience in the non-clinical development of cell therapy products, we are uniquely positioned to rapidly translate the outcomes of basic research into tangible advancements in non-clinical development and clinical applications.


Ultimately, our vision is to create a society where hope thrives for all,

where individuals facing cancer can discover renewed possibilities

through the most effective treatments available.

Join us in our journey as we push the boundaries of scientific innovation

to transform lives and shape a brighter future!

Chief Executive Officer, A-SEEDS Co., Ltd.

Shigeki Yagyu

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会社について: 概要


A-SEEDS  Co., Ltd




#207 CSMIT, 3-1-1 Asahi Matsumoto, Japan, 390-8621

(0263) 31 - 5882

Apr. 2020

会社について: 概要

長野県松本市旭3-1-1 信州地域技術メディカル展開センター(CSMIT) 207号室

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